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Category: 2018

Aal, Tara – Comprehensive Confidence – Reclaiming Faith and Strength in All Our Planets

We can look to astrology and the natal chart for support in embodying more self-trust, courage and fortitude. Authentic confidence can be sexy and exciting or off-putting and overwhelming, depending […]

Brett, Gemini – Sacred Star Alignments and Your Shamanic Direction

Gemini Brett of More Than Astrology will take us on a virtual tour of Sacred Sites and Temples around the world from Stonehenge and Giza to the District of Columbia […]

Brett, Gemini – The Marriage of Heaven and Earth – Grounding your Chart into your Home

Sacred Geometry and Sacred Astronomy will be our guides in this workshop devoted to the physical dimensions of Astrology.  Topics like Azimuth, Altitude, Latitude, and Declination are not dry, nerdy, […]

Fernandez, Maurice – Demystifying the 12th House

Every morning, we wake up and start our day with the Sun rising into the 12th house. And yet, so many obscure and intimidating definitions have been attributed to this […]

Fernandez, Maurice – The Mars Retrograde Cycle

Ahead of the dramatic transit of Mars retrograde in Aquarius, Maurice will provide a greater understanding of the whole Mars cycle, and then focus on the specific aspects of the […]

Holley, Jason – Psychodynamic Aspect Analysis: Re-Imagining Aspects Through Myth

Myth brings new life and fresh perspectives to abstract concepts of aspects.  In this workshop we will re-imagine aspects through the lens of constellation mythology, expanding on affinities between the […]

Holley, Jason – Uranus in Taurus: Breaking New Ground

Uranus begins its 7-year sojourn through Taurus this year.  Like geological formations, the earth signs seem to have complex and distinct layers of stories within them, one covering the next […]

Levine, Rick – 2018: Change is Inevitable. Growth is Optional

The magic of astrology is observable on many levels. We can learn about ourselves by observing astrological correlations on an individual level. We can also learn about the world we […]

Levine, Rick – Using Astrology to Co-Create the Future: A Hands-on Workshop about Accepting Fate and Exercising Free Will

What can change? What cannot? Is the inevitable really inevitable? How can we create balance in an unbalanced world? How can we cultivate peace in a world filled with turmoil? […]

Marcus, Rose – Chiron on the Move

We are nearing the end of Chiron’s long trek through Pisces and the start of Chiron’s equally long trek though Aries. Before it settled in for the stretch, Chiron made its […]

Marcus, Rose – Synastry & Composit Charts

Relationships are complicated business! Synastry chart analysis is too. With so many chart details to consider, where is the best place to start? For this one day workshop, we’ll examine […]

Nygaard, Shawn – Jupiter in Sagittarius: Vision, Truth, Adventure, Hope

Jupiter entering Sagittarius on November 8 offers a welcome infusion of optimism and fresh perspectives. Jupiter is naturally inclined toward freedom and expanding horizons. As Zeus, king of the gods […]

Nygaard, Shawn – Saturn and Jupiter: The Old Man and the Eternal Youth

Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Capricorn together draw out the timeless, archetypal figures of the Puer (Eternal Youth) and the Senex (Old Man, or Father Time). The Puer carries […]

Tarnas, Richard – Get the Big Picture, Then Go Deep: Developing Your Archetypal Eye

This workshop will be devoted to strategies and practical tips for how to interpret with greater insight birth charts, transits, and the ongoing movements of the planets. The practice of […]

Tarnas, Richard – Gimme Shelter – Weathering the Storm in an Archetypal Cosmos

The evidence of consistent correlations between planetary alignments and world events, as seen through the lens of astrology, can provide us with a much needed context for our wildly dramatic […]

Zahrt, Jenn – Planetary Hours

The planetary hours are a simple and effective ancient astrological technique to optimize your life. They are a historical form of astrology based on observation, your specific location, and thus […]