Myth brings new life and fresh perspectives to abstract concepts of aspects.  In this workshop we will re-imagine aspects through the lens of constellation mythology, expanding on affinities between the major aspects and the signs located at their degree positions in the natural zodiac.  Conjunctions will assume greater complexity and nuance through the Aries story of Jason and Medea, sextiles will reveal twinship and searching dynamics through the Gemini story of Castor and Pollux, and so on.

The twists and turns of each story’s plot will be considered as ‘mythic action templates’ which describe the dynamics that constellate among planets in aspect.  We will explore through case examples and participant charts how these action templates play out both intrapsychically and interpersonally – in the process enriching our vocabulary of aspects beyond conceptual language such as ‘tension’, ‘harmony’, ‘completion’, into more complex and graspable dynamic stories that can be conveyed to individuals in a meaningful way.  We will also consider how the stories and their details resonate with, amplify, and deepen existing aspect theory based on process/cycle models and sacred geometry.  *no slides