This workshop will be devoted to strategies and practical tips for how to interpret with greater insight birth charts, transits, and the ongoing movements of the planets. The practice of astrology is only partly the result of studying astrological books and learning the techniques of various schools of astrological analysis. The keys to insightful interpretation go beyond such technical knowledge: We need a well-developed symbolic sense, which can be nurtured by sustained imaginative engagement with literature and the arts. We require too a constant effort to deepen our own self-awareness to help guard against personal biases and projections. And not least, our astrological insight depends on that breadth of perspective that only comes from life experience, enriched by wide-ranging study of history and biography, society and culture. Join Richard Tarnas as he shares something of what he has learned from his own long journey as an astrologer. He will cover both specific tips such as what to look for when first examining a natal chart or transits, and longer-term life strategies for cultivating that inner eye of discernment that can help us live our own lives more fruitfully and perhaps assist others in living theirs. *no slides