What brought you to astrology?

LOL, literally my Mom “brought me” to Astrology! I was 6 almost 7 and my mother took me to a metaphysical fair, and I loved it, but at the astrology table I felt like I had been brought to something I had done 100 times before. Thanks Mom!

Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?

Not to be all mushy, but I truly practice astrology because I MUST! I mean I have tried to quit and my whole being lights up with a rejection of releasing this craft. So truly, as I get older and more settled in myself, I just know that the cosmos and nature are in my bones. More juicy and important to me is that the words to translate and share the star stories, live in me and must come out to share and help others.

What is your specialty, or focus?

I am an EA and Humanistic Astrologer. So for me the practice itself is the story and journey of the Soul from before incarnation and through the human experience currently. While that is my technique, my focus is to get the information to people at all levels of astrology so they can understand the energies around and within them.

Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?

I love Lunar land, as I call it. I work a LOT with lunar phasing and how important it is to understand the lunar temperament you are working with and in!

What is your picture of astrology in the future?

MAN…….What a question. My picture is that our practitioners have healed enough from traumas and have courage to come out and practice our craft IN PUBLIC, as a job title and continue to advance it

Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?

I have a Capricorn South node and man; it sure wants to help people make this transition from employee mindset to Astrologer (or whatever) Entrepreneur.

If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?

Hmmmm, I’d like to think I would name it Grace! I do have Venus in Aries, so I’m not too vain to share that! Truly, I think I would need to understand its temperament more to give it a name. Don’t want to name a planet Grace that causes hell fires and merciless growth, you know!


Stormie Grace is a practicing astrologer with her own successful and entertaining show on YouTube where she interviews astrologers, sharing a wealth of knowledge. Her crowd-funded YouTube Astrology Academy brings the community together by providing FREE basic astrology classes taught by the finest Astrologers from around the world. She has been consulting with individuals and groups in Colorado and around the globe since 2014. Stormie holds a Doctorate of Business which enables her to apply those skills to business and mundane astrology, as well as personal chart work.

She joined OPA as Recording Secretary in 2021, and now moves into the newly created role of Marketing Director where her experience with business practices, YouTube and social media is of great value to OPA. She a member of AFAN, ISAR, and NCGR, a contributor to Career Astrologer, Astrology Hub and Midheaven Magazine, and is also a faculty member for the Portland School of Astrology.