
Andaluz, Marcela
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Astrological Focus

Marcela Andaluz is a humanistic astrologer who graduated with the highest honors in 2012 from Noel Tyl Master’s Degree Certification Course in Astrology. She served 5 terms on the Board of WSAA (2014-2019). She was Registrar for UAC 2018 and for the upcoming ISAR 2020. Currently, she is serving at the ISAR Board as ISAR Webinar Education Director. Marcela is a native of Mexico and she has a bilingual astrological practice as well as a course in Spanish of “The Art of Chart Synthesis”.

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Bothell, WA
Best, Jaguar
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Astrological Focus

I like to help people understand their life path and what's going on now helping them to achieve that.

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Portland, OR
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Astrological Focus

I am an aspiring astrologer, interested in helping others reach for their evolutionary path. This is so special to me because it helped me through a hard time myself. I was lost and had been interested in astrology for a long time, but not too seriously. I feel it is important to get this technique in front of as many people as possible. And I feel that the ones that need it the most will seek it out. (could be the Sag moon and Sun I have) I want to learn as much as possible about this newfound language so that I can help others. I hope that it can change things for them as much as it did for me.

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