What brought you to astrology?

A mixture of curiosity, a spirit of rebellion, and anime – multiplied by far too much free time in my early 20s.


Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?

Colloquially, we acknowledge a veil between the seen and unseen: astrology maps the nature of the connection between the seen and unseen. As astrologers, we seek to understand the quality of a moment in time; and through astrology, we see order in the past, present and future, inextricably bound within each other. I know of no other art which can accomplish this so succinctly yet with such nuance and reliability – and so I’m with astrology for life, it seems!


What is your specialty, or focus?

My specialty in consultation is serving those who have problems (whether definite or vague in scope) in need of resolution. I also pursue interests in political and global astrology, and historical approaches to the subject.


Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?

The role of the luminaries in the determination of life, health, vitality, honesty and uprightness, forthright communication, and the illumination of hitherto unknown facts.


What is your picture of astrology in the future?

In the near term, I suspect growing interest in general, popular (‘pop’) astrology to be sustained. What’s interesting is watching forms of traditional astrology shed their nuance to enter the ‘pop’ astrology arena, particularly in the Americas. I think on balance this will be a good thing for the art of astrology, and bring fresh, vibrant voices to the fore. But I do suspect there will be a rebound of anti-astrology vitriol some decades out; the pendulum does seem to swing like this every few Jupiter/Saturn cycles.


Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?

It’s common enough to explore current cycles in astrological lectures. My aim is to approach with a slightly different angle by exploring how current astrological patterns impact the practice of the astrologer him/herself. We will assess the progress of key astrological cycles, and how we can expect to work with them in consultation settings, whether that be in regard to horary, electional, mundane or natal astrological work.

Our Saturday workshop will be an exploration of electional astrology: what is it, what are the competing approaches, and how do we find reliable times for our clients?


If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?

‘Titanic’, I think – then I’d sit back with my telescope and watch for the inevitable collision with an ice rock.



Wade Caves is an astrological consultant and educator specialising in horary, electional and classical astrological technique. He was certified with honours from the Mayo School of Astrology and has expert knowledge of traditional and modern psychological methods of interpretation. Wade teaches for the School of Traditional Astrology.

