What brought you to astrology?
I like to believe astrology found me. Around my Saturn Return, my boss at the University gave me the book “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” at my performance evaluation after saying: “You’re doing a great job… and now let’s talk about this (astrology)!” My curiosity and exploration of all things esoteric, metaphysical, and spiritual continued to build. About seven years later, a friend asked if I wanted to take classes with Laura Nalbandian. I started those classes about eight and a half years ago, and in the first session, the deal was sealed.
Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?
My heart is happy when I’m using astrology – with myself, in random conversations, and in my practice. It helps me understand and empower myself and to support others in doing the same for themselves. It’s juicy because it mirrors us and life so well, with archetypes and myths that speak to our souls. Astrology reveals what’s happening, how it’s happening, and when (in our “time”) we’re likely to experience it. It simply reveals what is, but sometimes we need a little help seeing what’s happening, especially beyond our limited perspective. A shift in perception can change your entire reality. Astrology helps us shift, from the inside out!
What is your specialty, or focus?
I’ve been using the technique Planets on the 1st for several years now because it’s experiential. When you choose to live a planet 1st, you’re not just talking about it and understanding what it means. Quite the opposite – you let that part of you take the lead in your day-to-day life and find out how you show up with (let’s say) Mars in the driver’s seat.
Most people who find me are looking to express more of who they are and to give themselves the freedom to feel how they feel, think what they think, and be who they are. I’m a champion of choosing to be real, showing up, acting with courage and kindness, and contributing to making life better. I’m finding that while I don’t like the title, I’m a good “life coach”. I get so much satisfaction from seeing people come alive and get excited to do their thing.
Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?
I’m living Moon and Saturn 1st right now – this year I chose an axis of energy for more balance. I started this on my birthday at the end of July. Right off the bat, my Saturn-self stepped in to lighten my load of responsibilities. I could have assumed Saturn would overburden me, but what I felt was a strong sense of stability and comfort that anything I couldn’t sustain healthily and happily would be let go. It seems that my Saturn is serving my Moon and always has been. I would have told a very different story, but that’s all it is… a story. Moon 1st feels like a heart homecoming and in choosing both Moon and Saturn I’m taking care of myself with much less expectation of the external world. I’m growing up emotionally, which is much more fun and playful than it sounds.
What is your picture of astrology in the future?
I don’t have one 😊 but I’m excited to be part of making it!
Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?
One thing I really miss about living in Seattle is WSAA. I’m so happy to be invited to speak and spend time with this brilliant, loving community; my astrology home.
Sometimes words lock us into certain things and we miss the truth underneath the label. I know how much I do this, so in this talk, I’m excited to loosen up our definitions and have some fun! Who says confidence belongs to Jupiter? Ok, we all do, but really, the sum of the parts do not equal the whole. I have Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces, square the nodes, and the handle of my bucket chart. I’m confident that we don’t have to figure it all out; it’s working just fine.
If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?
I don’t know. If I discovered one, I’d feel and listen for a name to come to me. Maybe it would suggest what we call it? I’m much more romantic and mystical than scientific.
Tara Aal
Through her own commitment to personal growth, Tara supports others in discovering more truth about themselves. Tara believes in the power of acceptance and allowance – in first receiving ourselves and each other as we are, and as we change. With her ability to quickly get to the root and meaning of things, she helps others shift perspective and create new options. Tara has been a writer and teacher for many years, and has been practicing astrology and the Tarot since 2011. She completed Laura Nalbandian’s Evolutionary Astrology three-year program and is a certified Soulsign Astrologer through Adam Gainsburg’s Immersion program.
Currently, Tara is living in Los Angeles, working as an astrologer and writer. She offers private sessions, lectures (including NORWAC and UAC), and workshops. She is also a regular presenter with EA (Evolutionary Astrology) Zoom Meetings, and columnist for Infinity Astrological Magazine. Tara is very passionate about using and sharing the astrological technique Planets on the 1st (choosing a new experience of yourself).
Tara enjoys painting, drawing, music, and photography. She loves using images in her work, and you can expect to find her journal pages, mind mapping diagrams, photos, and paintings in her presentations and publications. Much of her inspiration comes from nature, and she loves to explore the outdoors.