What brought you to astrology?

I started reading the little Dell books on birthdays when I was little – about ten. Didn’t know it was astrology. Then in Greek School (after American School) we learned the myths as we learned Greek. Then in San Francisco in the early 1970s I worked for a large PR firm and there was a ‘temp’ there for only three days. On her breaks, she pulled out Joan Quigleys book Astrology for Adults and I recognized the symbols from that distant childhood memory – I asked her about it. She gave me this huge book, which I read in – yes – three days – returned it to her – and then she left. My then husband happened to be having astrologers on his radio show, he said I should listen, I did – the rest unfolded.

Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?

It is always new, always mentally challenging, makes your brain juggle numbers, images, symbols that open amazing worlds that always fresh and new – It helps people, it also is a great mental discipline that forces me to focus, and it is never boring – I have held many jobs/careers in my early life – had lots of experiences but this stuck for almost 50 years now.

What is your specialty, or focus?

Of course, I love modern natal astrology and I am fascinated by world trends and cycles reflected in the planetary movements. I love the historical perspective of economies, business, and culture that keep coming back, each time adding a new sense of the new. I am particularly fascinated by synodic cycles and their development in our culture over time.

Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?

I’ve always been fascinated by how Uranus upends culture and trends and peoples’ lives – and how, if we don’t resist, it brings possibilities and new perspectives and magic often right there where we don’t see it. And currently in Taurus – is, what I feel, is creating a new kind of feminine voice that speaks up and gets things done without being afraid any longer. There has been an internal revolution of feminine since the Uranus Pluto square. And when it was running with the North Node a while back and now with transit Jupiter working with in the upcoming conjunction, women’s voices are making a difference.

What is your picture of astrology in the future?

In the past and in the future, it is a way to help people validate and identify new pathways to self-actualization. We, as astrologers, are their guides and our job is to ‘validate their subjective experiences.’ And to go back through their lives during similar cycles and ask them – were you thinking about ‘this’ or ‘that’ then as you are now? It never fails, they will often say, ‘Oh yes, and this is what I did then – and yes, I am thinking about it now” This is particularly true when the eclipses come back to their charts every 18 to 19 years – which, I think, is an opportune time to put people back on the path they left behind on the last cycle and just enhance it. It is like a strand of DNA, every time the eclipses return to the same place in the chart, you have an opportunity to move up the rung of the DNA ladder for your next evolutionary opportunity.

Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?

My lecture will be talking about the return of the eclipses to Aries and then Pisces along with the upcoming conjunction of Saturn/Neptune from 2025 to 2026. Saturn can help structure one’s visions while assisting in focus (Neptune). Neptune can assist in the dissolution of fear and broken and archaic structures. Sometimes this energy comes with a price but always returns a great gift. Some historical perspectives (also covered in my book Pushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases) will be noted – about the last few times they came together, but with a new twist as these two haven’t been (perhaps ever) at 00 Aries and what that might mean. Along with the upcoming ingress of the complimentary ingress of Uranus in Gemini, we are headed into some exciting times. If we are brave and can let go of fear.

If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?

I would call her Astrea … there is probably an asteroid by that name. Astrea was a goddess of purity, justice, innocence, and was the ‘star maiden’ – I often think of her as the Star in the Tarot. Where she spreads light for others to see what is true and what is not.

Click here to register for Georgia’s lecture!

Georgia Stathis, an astrologer since the early 1970s, taught the Undergraduate program at Kepler College , has written numerous articles and books, spoken at astrological conferences internationally and currently holds the chair of the global database cataloguing astrological materials from around the world at www.alexandriaibase.org . Proceeds from this presentation go towards this 501C3 Non-Profit Educational foundation. Georgia’s website www.starcycles.com is where you find numerous classes, events, her annual Starcycles Cheat Sheet, and weekly forecasts. Links to her books Pushing through Time: Synodic Cycles and their Developing Phases as well as Business Astrology 101 can be found at www.amazon.com