What brought you to astrology?

When I was 8 years old, I perused the bookstore and was magnetically drawn to the Astrology books by Sydney Omar. Linda Goodman was also a favorite. I was obsessed. Astrology made sense to me, gave me purpose, and helped me understand why I was so unusual — being a double Aquarius. Thank God for my Leo to warm me up. It pieced it all together for me and empowered me to help myself and others aspire to reach the best version of themselves.

Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?

I wanted to be a therapist and got as far as I could until I hit pre-calc. I didn’t enjoy figuring out story problems; I would rather figure out how they played out on our stage. I changed my whole path, studied Literature, and got a degree, which helped provoke deeper thinking. I saw an ad to study Astrology at Astrology Et. Al. with Laura Nalbandian, which was life-altering, opened a whole new world. I now do what I love doing — counsel but in a different way. I truly enjoy empowering others to understand purposeful meaning, to create order out of chaos, and to help others forgive. I seek to empower people who struggle with hard transits and the “whys,” and like to ensure they leave happy and smiling, knowing that some things are just “scheduled.” Perhaps when perceptions are gently challenged, we won’t have to fall victim to the Gods’ playing “puppet master.” We can shift our consciousness and choose the higher expression if we know our work.

What is your specialty, or focus?

Western Astrology. Natal Charts, Synastry.

Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?

I am looking at the minor and various asteroids, and the myths behind them. I am fascinated by their transits that often resonate with the stories in our lives, especially in a meeting chart. I am also deeply drawn to synastry and how the aspects trigger us to resolve unintegrated parts of ourselves.

What is your picture of astrology in the future?

I am hoping that every trained therapist will explore this avenue. The process is profoundly wonderful and healing, but if you can “save years of therapy,” as Jung touted, more people can resolve to be present and transform quickly. My work feels rewarding when, for example, you see that if your parent or spouse abandoned you, or the life insurance policy had a glitch, and you have a second house N. Node, it would make sense that this is the Dharma of the soul — to embrace independence and make your own. Instead of holding in years of anger, we can see this as our soul assignment and choose to be enlightened rather than wounded for years, which could create disease. Astrology frees us.

Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?

I want to start with how important our natal chart is to “know thyself,” and to be conscious of our needs before we enter into a relationship. If we follow the path of the house placements, the planets, dispositors, and their archetypes, as well as the asteroids that give the details, we can be excited about the journey and weed out the weeds. I will do a brief synopsis of the asteroids and their meanings, including Chiron, Chariklo, Nessus, Pholus, Ceres, Vesta, Juno, Sedna, and Black Moon Lilith. I will touch on how synastry with other people, including the asteroids, as well as the transits, can impact our unconscious motivations to heal what was already set up in the Birth chart. I will also show the application of how the asteroids are used in a chart with celebrity chart examples.

If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?

I would name it after my company and mission: Christopher’s Lamp. We all need light, love, and to master compassion for the players in front of us as they are all a part of us.

Click here to register for Darleen’s lecture!

Darleen Christopher is an Astrologer, Palmist, Tarot Reader, Clairvoyant, Empath, and Medical
Intuitive. She was attracted to Astrology when she was eight when she discovered Linda Goodman’s, “Sun Signs.” That seed sparked her curiosity toward the path of diving deep into esoteric knowledge. At age twenty-three, Darleen started her career as a reader with Tarot Cards and reading Palms at Louie’s Cuisine, as well as teaching palmistry out of her home. She studied four years of Criminal Psychology at the University Of Missouri Kansas City but then
transferred to Seattle to complete her studies at the University of Washington where she obtained a B.A. in English Literature.

Darleen studied Astrology with Laura Nalbandian in 1997 for two years at Astrology Et Al. She
has been to every NORWAC, amongst other Astrology conferences since 1997, contributing to
her knowledge in the field. She periodically analyzes charts online on her Facebook and

In 2000, she serendipitously ran into the Director of Pike Place Market, read his palm, and
bypassed a long waiting list to open up Christopher’s Lamp becoming a full-time professional
reader empowering others and serving the community.

Darleen achieved fame when she accurately predicted the Seattle Seahawks’ victory in 2014.
Her prediction was based on the analysis of the incorporation date, not wishful thinking. She
appeared on Hiho Kids TV reading for the children. She has been on Dr. Whimsy Anderson’s
podcast, as well as 3PNR, Adam Rodriguez’s Paranormal Channel, and Evening Magazine, and
“The Bachelor,” showcasing August 5, 2024.

Darleen was asked to write Chinese Fortunes for Aleks Pollner’s porcelain cookies which sold
at the Frye Art Museum. She also studied Film with David Schulman at Seattle Film School
and Screenwriting at the UW Extension Program and is now working on getting funding for her
well-reviewed screenplay based on her true story, “Moondust.”

She is located in the Pike Place Market with live or phone sessions by appointment only.
1501 Pike Pl.
Ste. #330
Seattle, WA. 98101