This talk will explore the current astrological context of our time: with Pluto in Capricorn square Uranus in Aries it will explore the possibility of experiencing a deeper sense of individual and collective empowerment as we remove external models of control and embrace the courage and integrity to live a more self-determined life. With Neptune in Pisces the potential of the field of unconditional love lies behind the glamour and loss of center within the collective experience.

With Saturn in Scorpio and Jupiter in Leo the creative potential of a sustained commitment to our own soulful depth and vision will be explored. This talk will encourage us to imagine the present alignments moving through our individual charts and opening us to the power of now.

Transformational Astrology is an approach that encourages us to let go of any attempts to manipulate the world, others and reality itself to suit the agenda of the ego, which is always beset with fear and anxiety and instead to open to the true power of the Self within. (lecture) **no slides or handouts.