may, 2025

Event Details
This event is Live & In-Person and will also be simulcast! In Evolutionary Astrology, one of the applications of Uranus is to identify karmic soul trauma. In this workshop,
Event Details
This event is Live & In-Person and will also be simulcast!
In Evolutionary Astrology, one of the applications of Uranus is to identify karmic soul trauma. In this workshop, Laura will look specifically at the natal connections between Uranus and the Moon; focusing in on the nature of karmic emotional trauma. This will include any and all astrological contacts, e.g., Uranus in the fourth house, Moon in Aquarius, Moon in the eleventh house, aspects between the two planets, along with other contacts through dispositors and rulers. Laura will explore the karmic intention of these signatures and address possible solutions to resolve the karma. Additional charts will be drawn from those participating in the workshop.
Doors open at 9:45am. Workshop starts at 10:00am
Puget Sound Yacht Club
2321 North Northlake Way
Seattle, WA 98103
When registering choose In-Person or Virtual
Limited to 50 people in-person and 100 people online.
Early-bird member $65
Member $80
Early-bird guest $85
Guest $100
Click here to Register
passcode: 2024
A 2nd-generation astrologer based in Seattle; Laura has been active in the astro-community since 1990. She is the owner/coordinator of NORWAC, established in 1984. She is a founding board member of Kepler College,1992; and a founding board member of IAEA, International Association of Ethics in Astrology, 2020. She has served on the board of WSAA for more than 15 years. She has been teaching since 1986 and co-founded SoulWise School of Evolutionary Astrology in 2019.
(Saturday) 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Puget Sound Yacht Club
2321 N Northlake Way, Seattle, WA 98103