What brought you to astrology?

Ever since I was a child, I was on a search, to more fully understand myself and the world around me. I knew that the world was more rich and complex than was being presented and I was on a quest to better understand “how things worked.” Additionally, the focus of my life since I can remember was to be of service, to help others feel more inspired and connected to a greater sense of well-being. While I had read about astrology since I was a teenager, it wasn’t until my 1st Saturn Return, when I had a reading with astrologer Shirley Soffer that it all clicked. I saw how just by knowing when I was born that she was able to share insights with me that deeply reflected who I was and enable me to better understand and accept myself. I remember being in the room with her and saying to myself “I must learn this language…as a tool to better understand and live my life and to help those around me.” I will never forget that most magical and transformative day!

Why do you practice astrology? What makes it juicy for you?

I love having access to the language of astrology as it helps me to make sense of my life and the world around me. I love knowing this language of time and archetypes, being able to tap into the kairos and better decipher the evolutionary invitations of different times. As someone who thrives on the poetic and symbolic, I have this deep sense of reward and soulful understanding when I see how personal and/or collective unfoldings align with the dance of the planets.

Also, importantly, what makes it really juicy for me is that it has allowed me to deepen my ability to be of service to people, helping to guide them as they create a life that is filled with greater joy, awareness and consciousness, that allows them to better understand and therefore embrace/accept the unique person that they are. Astrology has helped me greatly in terms of my ability to educate and inspire people, to guide them to find a deeper sense of center and heart in their lives as well as how they connect to the world around themselves. Astrology has allowed me to further my commitment to support people in their quest for well-being, something of which my whole career has been in service.

What is your specialty, or focus?

My focus is on wellness astrology. I see this as two-fold. One, as noted before, I see astrology as a key to enhancing well-being because it provides a context that allows people to better understand and accept themselves, and feel both a greater sense of sovereignty and collective connection. I see all of these as reflections of wellness and well-being.

Specifically, my approach weaves together astrological insights, compassion-based coaching, dreamwork and self-care strategies (such as dietary guidance, flower essences, aromatherapy, and relaxation practices). I call the work I do Stellar Life Guidance.

In terms of the AstroDreamwork, this is an area I’ve been focusing on since 2011 when I had the grace to meet the archetypal astrologer Laurence Hillman who was doing a workshop on this topic, and who became my mentor and continues to be a dear friend. Astrology and dreams are so synergistic, as we can use astrology to gain further insights into what a dream may be revealing for the dreamer based upon their chart and also turn to a person’s dreams to get more insights that open up access to deeper levels of what is revealed by their chart. In addition to doing AstroDreamwork with interested clients, I also teach classes and write about this subject.

Is there a planet, sign, or aspect you’ve been exploring lately that represents an archetype or energy that feels important to you right now?

Given all the personal planetary retrogrades this year, I’ve been spending a lot of time exploring the concept of “retrograde” and helping to educate people about how to align with the opportunities of these time periods. For example, there is a lot of wisdom to be gained by going back over skipped steps, turning to the past for riches of insights, looking at things from a different angle, and knowing that we don’t always need to moving forward (and at such a fast clip), and I feel that the retrograde periods can provide us with a time for these opportunities. This builds upon my long-term interest in helping transform people’s visions of Mercury Retrograde from something negative to something that offers us great opportunity for learning and progress.

What is your picture of astrology in the future?

I hope that more and more people will have a greater facility and relationship with the language of astrology, to more fully incorporate the wisdom it offers as a guide for seeing/understanding themselves, their communities and the world around them.

Are there any additional comments you would like to make about your lecture and workshop?

I’m really excited to share AstroDreamwork with the community. It’s a simple approach that astrologers can use for themselves and with their clients. With a Taurus Moon and North Node in the 12th House, my approach also weaves in a lot of the practical and ritual. I will share not only how it is that I see astrology and dreams as being connected, and ways that we can practice AstroDreamwork, but also strategies for recalling/remembering dreams as well as seeing the themes that may weave throughout. We’ll talk about dreams and kairos, the lunar cycle, the birth chart and transits/progressions. I see my class as accessible to anyone interested in astrology, from the beginner to the more advanced.

If you discovered a new planet, or asteroid, what would you name it and why?

Love. Because how incredible would it be to be able to look up in the sky and say “There’s Love shining down upon us and guiding us.” [Can you tell I have strong Piscean and Neptunian qualities? 🙂 ]


Stephanie Gailing weaves together astrological insights, compassion-based coaching, dreamwork, and flower essence therapy to provide her clients with stellar life guidance. She is the author of Planetary Apothecary, the co-host of the So Divine! podcast, and the astrologer-in-residence at The Cloud Room in Seattle. In addition to working directly with individuals, couples, and organizations, Stephanie teaches workshops and writes about holistic well-being, including for AstroStyle and The Fold. Her work has been featured in Refinery 29Seattle MagazineCity ArtsBustleMindBodyGreen, and other outlets. Stephanie earned her Advanced Diploma in Coaching from New York University and her M.S. in Nutrition from Bastyr University.